The true measure of your plan’s success is whether or not it’s helping your employees accumulate retirement benefits. Fostering better usage of your plan doesn’t just help your employees be better prepared for retirement, it can also help you meet your fiduciary responsibilities. Our reports provide an equal focus on how your employees are utilizing your Plan. After all, we’re not just an investment advisor – we’re a Plan Advisor. Providing ongoing comparative analyses of your plan’s metrics will help measure the overall competitiveness of your plan and how effectively it’s operating. Where warranted, we will make appropriate recommendations to improve plan utilization by employing behavior-based design features that drive employee participation, encourage healthy deferral rates and help Employee Communication and Education: Consistent implementation of the right communication program and education strategies can make a real difference in employees understanding the importance of the plan and how it can help them become better prepared for retirement. Our many years of experience allow us to provide insight into what works – and what doesn’t. We will help structure a communication campaign that will educate and empower your employees while creating a high level of visibility for the plan. To ensure its effectiveness, we will monitor and evaluate results on an ongoing basis.
Your plan is an important employee retention and recruiting tool. We will identify and promote features and practices that will ensure that your plan remains competitive; a benefit that truly benefits your employees.